Tuesday, April 03, 2007


New Information on Iran

In my recent discussions with a brilliant Iranian dissident, Ghazal Omid (http://www.livinginhell.com/ http://www.ghazalomid.com/), I have come to change some of my prior opinions on Islam, Iran, and the wisdom in a US attack on Iran.

I am now thoroughly convinced that an attack on Iran right now is the last thing the Bush Administration should do.

Iranians are like Israelis; they are not their religion first, they are Iranians first, Muslims second. There is a great love of their nation in most Iranians, and although they hate the government of the Mullahs, they would hate an attack on their country even more.

University students in Iran, as a price for their continued approval to extend their educations, have been required to sign up as brigades of suicide bombers. Innocent children are being shipped to take up positions next to the very strategic locations the Mullahs know are on the targeting list. Secret police have stepped up their campaigns of blood and rape, snatching people up left and right, killing them in custody, and using them as silent reminders of what happens when you speak up.

Additionally, the Mullahs and their puppets in Damascus have been burning up jet fuel like crazy shipping Hizbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters into Teheran for training, then back to Damascus airport for dispersal (with logistic and command support supplied by senior Syrian military commanders), across the Middle East and points elsewhere, to prepare for massive terror attacks to be unleashed when the US attacks Iran.

Iranian resistance groups, and their connections in the West, have been turned by Iranian Revolutionary Guards agents. People who came to the West on Iranian passports, or even traveling on diplomatic credentials but allowed by the Mullahs to travel with their entire families, have been snatched up and their words taken as gospel by people in our own government who are entrusted with winnowing the truth from the lies, and are supposed to be working for Iranian freedom.

Inside Iran, credible sources are reporting that the Iranian nuclear program is at a bare minimum three years away from producing a warhead, and yet US intelligence is being fed disinformation that the Mullahs are right on the verge of producing a 150 megaton nuclear warhead, by les agents provocateurs who are sent by Teheran to trigger a premature war.

Why? Well, the Mullahs are running scared. Over 70% of the current population of Iran is under 30 years of age, and 55% percent of those people are women. The Iranian people are fed up with the rape rooms, the torture chambers, the games that the Mullahs are playing even with the remains of the prisoners they have raped and beaten to death, using custody of the bodies as legal yo-yos to taunt grieving families and ensure that survivors do not tell their neighbors, and the world, what happened to their daughters and sons at the tender mercies of the left hands of the Mullahs.

Right now, the Mullahs can't even get more than 200 paid protestors to show up to throw rocks and firecrackers at the British Embassy, and now have to resort to official stories in their media that the UK is prepping its pilots to conduct kamikaze attacks on Iranian schools and hospitals. All this is in a desperate effort to stave off the inevitable, and that is, a popular uprising inside Iran.

The Mullahs are anything but dumb, and they have infiltrated legitimate resistance efforts in the West with their own agents to redirect US funds meant to support anti-government and moderate government elements, sending the money instead right into the back pockets of Ahmedinajad's secret club, or to Rafsanjani's multi-million dollar office building projects in Dubai. Money that is supposed to be buying printing presses and protest placards inside Iran to rile the people up to protest instead is spent on expensive rugs and other smarmy, sycophantic bribes meant to open the doors for feathering personal nests, of US politicians and expatriot Iranians alike.

US laws that were passed to cut off the flow of cash to terror groups are every day flaunted and sidestepped, and the river of dollars flowing from the West to Teheran, thence through tributaries to Damascus, Beirut, Gaza, Riyadh, and other points Wahabbist, funds the very weapons that every day kill Americans, moderate Muslims and other voices of freedom throughout the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Iranian banks send interest they charge unwitting terror funding streams right into the coffers of the Revolutionary Guards, and they do legally and openly, and nothing whatsoever is done to stop them.

To add insult to injury, there are people living in freedom, who should be doing everything they can do to free their countrymen back in Iran, instead spending their time purchasing huge mansions and fancy cars on money made from trading with the Iranian government. People to whom the Iranians kept in the enslavement of the Islamic Republic look for help to throw off their shackles actually sell the very fetters of enslavement to the Mullahs and the Revolutionary Guards. This is tantamount to wealthy Jewish people selling barbed wire, poison gas and guard dogs to the monsters in Berlin in 1944.

Even voices who should be speaking out for freedom of all people, not just isolated allegiances to individual nations, fight and scrap amongst themselves like junk yard dogs over a bone for personal enrichment, instead of working in concert to form effective coalitions to fight as a unified front to combat the Mullahs and their secret police.

And behind it all, cowering behind walls of lies and distortions, the Mullahs get fat, the Revolutionary Guards crank out battalion after battalion of terrorists they shuffle out through Damascus, while the West sits complacent, infrequently stirred to offense by political maneuvers like Iranian kidnapping of British Marines in Iraqi waters, half-heartedly complaining why these barbarous beasts had not been put down decades ago and grousing for a war to end such acts of piracy, and quickly turn back to the hypnotic Svengali, weeping over Anna Nicole's funeral or Angelina Jolie's newest adopted trophy, ignoring actual tragedies and butchery on a mass scale that could be stopped in its tracks with just a few million dollars to legitimate Iranian resistance groups.

And we, in the West, are saving the world from WHAT, exactly?

Joel Pousson

April 3, 2007

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