Thursday, April 05, 2007

Nancy Pelosi Forgets Olmert's Words

April 5, 2007

Nancy Pelosi told Bashar Assad that Israel was ready to enter into peace talks, and when asked, PM Olmert of Israel stated quite clearly that he told Madame Pelosi no such thing.

Bropous has rooted out the reason that Nancy "Damascus" Pelosi thought Olmert gave her the go-ahead. Old Nancy "Damascus" Pelosi was busted red-handed hitting a little Syrian sensemilla before her meeting with Bashar "Short Eyes" Assad.

Nancy "Damascus" Pelosi's Rainbow Tour (little allusion to "Evita" there) to the Mid East is a perfect example of a person who is in way over their heads, intellectually. Nancy is a pretty singularly moronic person, but of course, it is her mindless, base constituents who inflicted this political STD upon the nation.

Nancy flew right from PM Olmert's office into Damascus airport, where planeloads of Hizbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters waved at her plane from airliner windows and laughed as they were getting ready to head to Teheran for terrorist training, at the very same airport where their brothers-in-terror were landing and heading out to prepare a mass wave of terror attacks if Iran is attacked.

Nancy got there, with her pea-brain all atwitter over her heady celebrity status, and stuck her foot right in her wrinkle-lined mouth. She completely lost in translation the things that Assad was telling her, swallowed his bait and ran with it, clicking to a news conference in her stiletto heels, and declared "peace in our time".

Assad, after closing the door when she left, laughed his ass off with his inner circle and returned to logistics works in support of Hizbollah, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad, and their preparations to attack Israel in the Golan Heights.

Nancy then flew to Saudi Arabia, sat in an empty seat before an empty legislature hall, and asked, "So when do I meet the femaile Saudi elected officials? I thought we could, well, you know, girl talk."

Saudi women could not be reached for comment. Their husbands refused to allow them to leave the house to talk to this moronic freak.

Women are every bit as capable as men to serve as elected officials. However, an idiot is an idiot, no matter what their sex. Nancy "Damascus" Pelosi is a dangerous enabler of terrorism, no matter where she goes, no matter upon which dictator's rear end she leaves lipstick traces.

Nancy, shut the hell up and just stay home. You are killing US military men and women with the mixed signals you sent to Syria. You've done enough damage, just go back for another Botox treatment or another facelift. You're looking really, really old.

Joel Pousson


amazinggrace said...

get a job........

Bropous said...

I do have a job; pissing off liberals who are ruining the nation's reputation internationally.

Nancy "Damascus" Pelosi is a blithering idiot who has no business sticking her nose into the Middle East situation. She is incapable because of total lack of intellectual depth. Surely the Demcorat Party could have come up with a better person, man or woman, to serve as Speaker of the House.

But then again, maybe not. Democrats aren't particularly known for intellectual agility.
