Sunday, April 15, 2007

It's Sunday, time to rest up, "fall back to leap forward" as the world-popular French say, and being a swords-and-sorcery fan, I'm going to recommend some good escapist reading material.

The above picture, a painting by artist Rodney Matthews, portrays the Dragon Lord "Elric of Melnibone", an incarnation of the Eternal Champion, from a series by one of the seminal masters of fantasy fiction, Michael Moorcock (

Elric, the last Emperor of Melnibone, ended the 10,000 reign of the Dragon Lords after finding the crooning runeblade "Stormbringer". An albino sorceror, Elric's physical stamina is only maintained by consuming rare herbs, until Stormbringer's magical quality of transferring the life energy of his victims to Elric allows him to become almost a demigod.

Sworn to serve the cosmic forces of Chaos, Elric rebels against his demon lord Arioch, and finds that he is one incarnation of the Eternal Champion, doomed to live many lives as a hero defending the power of the Eternal Balance in the infinite battles between Chaos and Law.

Next Sunday, I will review George RR Martin's excellent series beginning with "A Game of Thrones".


HisHandmaiden said...

If you like reading about swords, have you read Revelation yet?

Bropous said...

I am not familiar with "Revelation"....could you please list an author for others who would find this book interesting?