Monday, March 05, 2007


Vlad the Inhaler orders yet another hit.,,2027173,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1

From the article:

"A senior Russian journalist who embarrassed the country's powerful military establishment with a series of damaging stories has been found dead outside his flat in mysterious circumstances.

"The body of Ivan Safronov, the 51-year-old defence correspondent for Russia's progressive Kommersant newspaper, was discovered on Friday. He apparently fell from a fifth-floor window.

"Although prosecutors say they suspect Mr Safranov committed suicide, colleagues of the dead journalist today insisted that he had no reason to kill himself. He is also the latest in a long line of Russian journalists to have died in unexplained circumstances, they added."

The blood trail from the Kremlin increases on a daily basis.

Makes me wonder. I'm just some bozo shooting off my mouth against a man whose reach spans continents. The US government wouldn't lift a butt cheek if I were to join the list of victims.

The writing is on the wall, that whomever gains public attention on this issue is eliminated, and the elected officials of the US and other Western nations are pussies who will write off any further assassinations as just "local crime".

Some days, it simply does not pay to play the role of Cassandra.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Paul Joyal's Blood All Over Putin's Hands

Vladimir, STOP!!!!

On Thursday, March 1, 2007, an attempted assassination ordered directly by Vladimir Putin occurred on US soil.

Paul Joyal, expert on Russian issues, was shot by KGB operatives as he exited his car in Adelphi, Maryland, outside Washington, DC. Joyal was ordered to be killed by Vladimir Putin, ex-KGB officer, and now head of the Russian Republic.

The order for this man's death was payback for Joyal's interview on NBC's "Dateline" program regarding another Putin-ordered hit, that on Alexyandr Litveninko. Litveninko was murdered for daring to point fingers at the river of blood still flowing from the depths of the Kremlin. Joyal stated that Litveninko was murdered to send a message to others who would dare to expose Putin and his KGB as willing to murder those who dissent.

The despicable, brutal KGB never folded after the fall of the CCCP; all it did was fade into the shadows and wait until a friendly handler regained control of the new Russia. Vlad the Inhaler was exactly the fellow the KGB and NKVD veterans were waiting for. A former officer of the Organs, Putin never put behind him the base philosophy of Lenin and Stalin. Time after time, his critics have been silenced, and those who ran the Lubjanka Prison are now spread across the planet, ready to execute those who dare to expose Putin as the butchering murderer he was trained to be.

Many in the West had great hopes for Rus as the CCCP assumed room temperature in 1991-1992, but the great failing of the Second Russian Revolution was in the refusal to try and punish those who had been complicit in the enslavement of the Russian people. So many KGB and Chekists escaped justice, just by assuming ordinary lives. The Russians kept on with their ages-old desire: Trade personal freedom for security. Just like Ivan the Terrible, Katerine, Pyotr the Great, the oligarchs in the Soviet inner circle murder or imprison those who make the slightest hiccup against the tyrant.

This latest assassination is just the latest in a long train of murders and attempted murders by the KGB. Time after time during the Cold War, the KGB reached into the West and killed those it viewed as threats to its support of the enslavement of millions. Ion Michel Pacepa, former Romanian intelligence chief, has documented scores of political hits, including that of US President John F Kennedy, at the behest of the Foreign Service Bureau's predecessor. And time and again, gutless milquetoast Westerners refused to put the pieces together, or even when faced with incontravertible implication of the KGB in assassinations, refused to publicly state that the Soviets had reached into their home soil to eliminate voices of opposition.

And today, the KGB/FSV continues its bloody history by eliminating voices of reform, not only within the borders of Rus but in country after country across the world.

Rus had an incredible chance to cement relations with the United States and with the West after the fall of the Soviets, and yet slipped into a lawless period, fomented by KGB adherents, in which crime lords (often run by individuals with KGB credentials) ran rough-shod over the people and worked to make the new "freedom" so untenable as to call for the return to the bad old days of Soviet authority.

Vlad the Inhaler is a return to the days of Soviet enslavement of Rus. And now, even in America, those who speak against him are targets for his ordered assassinations. And, as ever, the voices in the West who know what he is up to are pushed back in the crowd, and painted as conspiracy theorists, even as the death toll from Putin's own hand grows and grows.

Gentle readers, worry not: Joyal's attempted assassination will also be swept under the rug. Local officials, who could very well be under the pay of the KGB/FSB, have already dismissed the shooting as "local crime", although no move had been made to relieve Mr Joyal of his wallet or vehicle. We are to assume once again that a person who has spoken out against Vladimir Putin's bloody campaign of assassinations has come across some home-grown bandit following national exposure of their allegations against the Kremlin.

Vladimir Putin is not a man to be trusted, and once again, a shadow is falling over Eurasia, that of a brutal tyrant who is dead-set on restoring the "glory days" of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He has funded Islamofascist terrorists operating against US forces in the Middle East, and is now shipping advanced weapons to Syria, Iran, and Communist China in an effort to undermine US foreign policy. He cares not one whit about the fortunes of his own people; he has a fixation on the United States and is doing everything he can to tear at the sole party he blames for the fall of the original CCCP. One can predict that he will order more voices silenced, and he is relying on fear and intimiation to remove those who would speak out against him.

NEVER trust a man who refuses to look you in the eye. President George W Bush did his best to win over this KGB operatchik, even lied about what he saw as Vlad the Inhaler's soul. Rest assured that George W Bush saw exactly what this man is inside: A cold, brutal, murdering man who would not hesitate for a second to order the deaths of those he sees as threats, not just to his person, but to his attempted resurrection of the corpse of the CCCP.

The Cold War, after a halftime hiatus, has begun yet again. With several red cards and yellows on the remainder of the players on his side of the field, Vlad the Inhaler eyes the goal at the US end of the field. He does not want to score a goal, gentle reader. He wants to own both goals, and will even knife the other team to achieve his goal.

Vladimir, STOP IT! Open your eyes, look at the situation REALISTICALLY. Soviet Communism collapsed because it is a governmental system untenable with the human spirit. Your own people were slaves to the oligarchs, they starved or waited years for basic consumer goods while the Soviet Military Machine grew and grew. You have the opportunity to realign the players on the field, and prepare to deal with a far greater, even existential threat, to Rus. Forget not the days of the Golden Horde and the Khans, Vladimir. The far greater threat to your nation, to your people, lies in the lands to the east, the Khans of the Chin.

The United States remains ready and willing to be equal partners with Rus, but we are also not blind. The placement of anti-ballistic radars and interceptors in Poland, the Czech Republic, and the Caucasus are not there just to deal with the machinations of the Iranians. They will be neutralized this summer. The far greater threat is your KGB underlings and a resurgent USSR. Bank not on your bully-boys, Vlad.

Friday, March 02, 2007


On this day in 1836, delegates meeting at Washington, Texas (near present-day Houston) declared the independent Republic of Texas, separating itself from the Mexican government.

Mexico had responded to growing unrest in Texas by sending General Antonio de Santa Anna into Texas with 6,000 troops at his command. After a seige that started on February 23 of that year, on March 6 Santa Anna's troops stormed the old Franciscan Alamo mission at San Antonio, held by a tiny force of dedicated fighters, 188 strong. It cost Santa Anna over 1,600 troops in the seige and storming of the Alamo, and such heroes as William Travis, Davey Crockett and Jim Bowie laid down their lives to buy time for Sam Houston to raise additional forces from east Texas and western Louisiana.

After the massacre at the Alamo (in which only 30 women and children escaped), Santa Anna headed east, for the important Sabine River crossings and for the northern shores of Galveston Bay. Texan settlement after Texan settlement was put to the torch, Santa Anna driving survivors in front of his advancing army. By April 23, his troops had reached the San Jacinto River, where Sam Houston's troops were ready to stand or fall in defense of East Texas.

On a small spit of land jutting into the bayous and swamps near the mouth of the San Jacinto River is the often-overlooked battlefield of the Battle of San Jacinto. In the shadow of the rusting hulk of the battleship USS Texas moored nearby, the monument of the battle rises above the live oaks and marshes in proud remembrance of the victory of the newly independent Republic of Texas over the armies of Generalissimo Santa Anna.

I have walked that hallowed ground, from the Texican lines, over the small rise in the ground at the center of the battlefield, over to the Mexican lines where the army of Mexico was asleep when the Texicans moved over the "ridge". It was this timy rise in the ground that allowed the Texas advancing lines to reach the Mesican positions without sentries alerting the Mexicans, who were in full-blown siesta. Before the Mexicans could react, the Texans were in their midst, firing and bayonetting and sabering the professional force back into the marshes at the rear of the Mexican position.

As the Texans waded into the marshes to slaughter the Mexicans, the retreating soldiers were screaming, "Me no Goliad!" and "Me no Alamo!" in an attempt to avoid the revenge the Texans were wreaking for the massacres that Santa Anna's forces had committed in their march to San Jacinto.

Santa Anna himself tried to slink away, and there are conflicting stories how he was identified. One says he was put with a group of remainign Mexicans and the Texans noted the bowing, scraping deference that the Mexicans were paying to him. Another is that Santa Anna had stripped the uniform from a regualr trooper, but was stripped of the uniform by the Texans, and his fancy underwear gave him away.

Either way, he was brought to Sam Houston, who was lying under a live oak after being wounded in the battle. Instead of being executed, Santa Anna was released to Mexico after agreeing to Texan Independence.

After being rebuffed in its desire to join the fledgling United States in 1837, Texas was admitted to the Union on December 29, 1845, adding fuel to the fire that had been brewing in the US on the issue of slavery, culminating in the internecine US Civil War that raged from 1861 to 1865.

Its unique position in the US, the only state with the written agreement to secede and which maintains its own militia (The Texas Guard), reflects the independent spirit of Texas, a state that is regarded jeaously by many other states. It is a proud nation within a nation, but Texans are Americans first and Texans second, as it should be.

The waves of illegal immigration that beseige this nation from within its own borders seek to make moot the sacrifices of Texans in garnering their own independence from Mexico, and it is sad to see another great Texan, George W Bush, ignoring what the illegal Mexican onslaught is doing to his home state. One can only hope that the spirit of Texan Independence will make itself known again from Orange to El Paso, from Brownsville to Amarillo, and that the tide of illegal immigration will be turned back and the second Mexican Invasion of Texas will result in a stronger, more unifed Texas.
