Monday, March 05, 2007


Vlad the Inhaler orders yet another hit.,,2027173,00.html?gusrc=rss&feed=1

From the article:

"A senior Russian journalist who embarrassed the country's powerful military establishment with a series of damaging stories has been found dead outside his flat in mysterious circumstances.

"The body of Ivan Safronov, the 51-year-old defence correspondent for Russia's progressive Kommersant newspaper, was discovered on Friday. He apparently fell from a fifth-floor window.

"Although prosecutors say they suspect Mr Safranov committed suicide, colleagues of the dead journalist today insisted that he had no reason to kill himself. He is also the latest in a long line of Russian journalists to have died in unexplained circumstances, they added."

The blood trail from the Kremlin increases on a daily basis.

Makes me wonder. I'm just some bozo shooting off my mouth against a man whose reach spans continents. The US government wouldn't lift a butt cheek if I were to join the list of victims.

The writing is on the wall, that whomever gains public attention on this issue is eliminated, and the elected officials of the US and other Western nations are pussies who will write off any further assassinations as just "local crime".

Some days, it simply does not pay to play the role of Cassandra.

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