Saturday, April 14, 2007

My Fax to President Bush re: Nicholas Burns

I am so mad about the undercutting of the Iranian resistance by that despicable Clintonista Nicholas Burns that I have sent the following fax to the President asking for the man to be fired:
President George W Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
FAX: (202) 456-2461



April 14, 2007

Dear Mr. President:

I am very disturbed by Nicholas Burns, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, stabbing the Iranian people in the back, and making it seem that the policy of the United States Government is to acquiesce to the brutal Revolutionary government in Iran's death grip on its people.

Mr. President, Mr. Burns is a holdover from the bad old days of the Clinton Administration who needs to be removed from this high-ranking office. He is declaring the defunct and terror-appeasing policies of the Clinton Administration, not enunciating the clarity of your own terrorist-defeating policy of the Global War on Terror.

He stated, before Congress, on March 6, 2007, that it is the official policy of the State Department "to try to convince the Iranian government to play a more productive role, a more positive role to enforce civility in Iraq itself."

Mr. President, put yourself in the shoes of the people in Iran who take their lives, and those of their entire families, in their hands to stand up and speak out against the government there, and then see that the third-highest ranking official in the State Department is advocating for partnership with the very murderers who are torturing and raping women as an established policy to quell dissent.

There are Americans and Iranians working together to help the people of Iran remove their terror-sponsoring government from within, who are working for a peaceful overthrow of the keystone of the Axis of Evil, and Nicholas Burns is before Congress stating clearly that the US is begging Iran to play nice in Iran on bended knee.

Nicholas Burns lends credence to the Mullahs and Ahmadenijad, Mr. President, and he has no business whatsoever influencing US policy on Iran.

You forgave too many of the Clinton-era careerists at State and in the Intelligence Services, Mr. President, and what did that get us? It got us all a shadow government using the offices at State as well as at the CIA who worked diligently, and misusing the authority of the US government to make it appear they had your own official sanction to countermand the very orders you issued.

Sir, I know you are as stalwart a voice for Iranian freedom as anyone out there, and the Iranian people are looking directly to you for some sign that the US backs their efforts to remove the Ahmadenijad regime before it is able to develop a nuclear warhead. I am asking you, as my President, to please make a speech declaring outright that the United States of America supports the voices of Freedom inside Iran in their struggle to win back their nation from those who twist the words of their God to excuse bloody-handed murder of innocent human beings.

I remind you of your own words in your second inaugural speech: "America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies." Nicholas Burns, Mr. President, has walked all over your words that gave hope to millions of Iranians struggling to overthrow the terror-sponsoring government of Iran from within.

The people of Iran need your clarification on this issue, Sir, and many more will die at the hands of the brutes in Tehran, emboldened by Nicholas Burns' Chamberlain-esque words.

Please, Mr. President, make the public statement that the United States in no way accepts the terror-sponsoring nation of Iran as a partner in any arena whatsoever, neither in Iraq, nor in the Persian Gulf, nor even in its brutalization of its own citizens.

And, Mr. President, please fire Nicholas Burns immediately. The man has handed the terrorists who control Iran a diplomatic victory, and political cover for their repression of dissent.

Appeasement of dictators only strengthens their hands, Sir. Your voice, speaking clearly in support of those working to bring Iran back to a modern, pro-Western representative republic, are begging for you to hold out the hand of hope. This is one speech that could lead to massive demonstrations in Iran and the removal of the madman Ahmadenijad.

With great respect and sincere admiration,

[Signature Block]
I invite all Friends of Iranian Freedom to also fax the President and express your outrage over the despicable statement by Mr. Burns, and ask that the President fire this Clinton holdover immediately and without delay.

Nicholas Burns is a man of whom the President's loyalty is undeserved.

The people in Iran fighting for their own freedom deserve far better from the only power in the world with the power, and the will, to help them.

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