Monday, February 26, 2007

February 26, 2007

Greetings, Casual Readers:

I've started the blog anew with the migration over to Google. At times I may use this blog to reflect current events, posting a news story and then giving my feedback. Believe me, I have feedback aplenty on just about every issue.

Today is February 26, 2007. On this day in 493AD, Roman troops surrendered Ravenna (at times Imperial capitol) to the Ostrogoths, and in 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from his prison island Elba to begin the 100 Days campaign. Other significant events in our history on this date are:

1832 - Czar Nichols I abolished the autonomous Duchy of Warsaw. Once again, the Poles are "unmade" as a nation, only to spring forth again and again. You have to admire the courage of the Polish people, even after being sold out by the West in 1945, after their freedom in 1991 they have stood up on the world stage as an indepedent and strong nation, determined never again to be dissolved by powers from east or west (Russia or Germany/France). Now the Poles and the Czechs have decided to allow the placement of ABM radars in their countries, and Russia is squealing like a stuck pig; how DARE the US try to protect the Poles from Russian missiles? The ostensible reason for this placement is to protect Europe from the threat of Iranian missiles, but even after the fall of the Islamic Republic of Iran later on this year, those ABM tracking systems (and the concurrent extension of the US strategic defense umbrella) will remain in Eastern Europe. Russia sees this clearly, but if it is wanting to integrage peacefully with the remainder of Europe, why is it so necessary to guarantee the massacre of your intended partners?

1848 - Marx & Engels' "Communist Manifesto" is published (a black day in our history). Folks argue that these bozos were not responsible for the millions of brutal murders carried out in the name of "Communism", and that pure Communism is a laudable goal towards which the Communist nations of the 20th and 21st Century were struggling. However twisted by Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, Mao, Cho-en Lai, or Hu Jintao, the basic philosophy is still there: Take Industrial Revolution England, strip out any modicum of personal initiative, and you have Communism. Marx led a very depressing life, but the negative effect of his writings is yet to be fully seen.

1863 - President Abraham Lincoln establishes the greenback by signing the National Currency Act. Interesting.

1924 - The Munich trial of Adolf Hitler begins for his role in the "Beer Hall Putsch". And today, the judge in the Scooter Libby railroad trail has dismissed a juror. Hitler spent time in jail, and while he was in the pokey, he wrote "Mein Kampf", a rambling, disjointed diatribe on his own twisted view of the Weimar Republic, the loss of World War One, and how horrible certain untermeschen were in the scheme of a Greater Germany. In the Libby trial, the ones who should actually be in the dock for treason, i.e., Joseph Wilson and his hot wife Valerie Plame (ph please oh please a Penthouse spread in the future!), continue their own "Putsch" against the Bush Administration and its foreign policy, aided and abetted by a lying, hypocritical media industry.

1925 - Islamic extremists declare Jihad against the Turkish Republic. Sorry, Kemal, that "Ataturk" crap ain't gonna work on the Islamofascists. Fortunately, this jihad failed, as the current attempt at jihad by Islamofascists worldwide is failing.

1935 - Germany announces the existence of the Luftwaffe under Herman Göring. Interesting.

1936 - Hitler decrees production of the Volkswagen. And last night, "Little Miss Sunshine", in which a Volkswagen bus was a central theme, was up for Best Picture.

1990 - The beginning of the removal of 73,000 Soviet troops from Warsaw Pact member Czechoslovakia. The Czech Republic also sees the handwriting on the wall: Accept the US ballistic missile defense umbrella, and your independence is guaranteed in perpetuity.

1993 - The first Islamofascist bombing of the New York World Trade Center. Seven Americans die, Bill Clinton ignores it and Islamofascist terrorists gain confidence of launching an even larger operation in 2001. This was the test run for the 9/11 attacks, and the Democrat Commander-in-Chief not only ignored the ramifications of this attack, he continued the stripping of the US military of qualified personnel, and his despicable little weasels Sandy Berger and Jamie Gorelick continue their ineptitude and do their best to keep Intelligence services from getting to the perpetrators.

2001 - The Taliban destroy the Great Buddhas of Bamiyan, Afghanistan (a true cultural atrocity). This was a hideous act, but it is part and parcel of the Islamofascist mindset: Eradicate all existence of opposing thought. These huge works of art were blown from the mountainside into which they had been carved in the 6th Century, before Islam even existed. You know, there are some very good people who are Muslim, but it certainly seems that the majority of the Islamic world is bent on erasing the progress the rest of the world has seen as a result of historical advances that occurred before their religion existed.

I do not respect any religion that teaches that women are second-class citizens to be enslaved and even mutilated to keep them in thrall. More on this later. All in all, it is an interesting day in our history.

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